Ice Cream Vase Silicone Mold Housing 3D print ready model

Ice Cream Vase Silicone Mold Housing 3D print ready model 3D print model


STL Vase and mold

STL 3D Print Files for Digital Download are used with 3D printers and CNC routers and; not a physical item. You will need a 3D printer, software to use this file and Plastic, Filament. The 3D mold is created to apply to hard and common printing materials such as PLA, ABS, PATG.

3D MODEL DESCRIPTIONThis file includes the following parts:

  1. STL Vase/ Ice Cream
  2. 1 coaster/dish and silicone mold housing

You can use the prints from this file to create silicone molds. To create the mold, pour your silicone into the print. Clean the printout, cut off the residuals during printing, errors arising during printing, then use clamps to fix the mold.ou can quickly and easily change the print size to meet your needs.The STL format is compressed into ZIP to minimize download time.Please Enjoy!

Terms of Use: This file cannot be resold or shared in any way Cannot be used for mass production Can be used for PERSONAL use or by SMALL businesses

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Ice Cream Vase Silicone Mold Housing 3D print ready model
Royalty Free License 
Ice Cream Vase Silicone Mold Housing 3D print ready model
Royalty Free License 
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3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)15.9 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-05-03
  • Model ID#4478345
  • Ready for 3D Printing