Model was originaly created in 3DS Max 2015. Source .MAX file is included with all modifiers aviable to play with if you want to change the geometry.
The idea was inspered by existing pen holder for 3D Printing from Interned and this one was created from the scratch.
Average wall thickness of hexes is about 2mm (+ - 3%). Original dimmensions are 72x132x84 but you can change it by scaaling if you want.
It can easily hold heavy tools like a couple of metal pens, knifes, and even large screwdrives without loosing a balance in case of its engineered consctruction.
RECOMENDATIONS FOR PRINTING:This model needs no printing supports. Filling must be set to 100% and wall thickness must be set to an amount of 1 layer (0.4mm if you're using 0.4mm extruder).