Simple Ashtray - Useful Decor Item Resin
This is a simple ashtray I created to be used or to be left as decorative itemPlease, test all your materials before using it for real, since some materials can not hold the heat.
I would highly recommend using it in ResinDont use in PLAABS or PETG maybe can work, but I'm not sure, so be aware (in this materials case, I'd suggest try using something to help it hold the heat)
The size is pre-set at: 77x30mmBut feel free to resize as you prefer (just remember to resize parts proportionaly)
Also, you can paint it in any color you prefer.
Please, feel free to share your printed model with me, it would be a pleasure to see the final result of your work
Dont glue anything, just place them. If glue, you wont be able to remove for cleaning.
You can use it open or with the top part.
No support requiredEasy to print
I would suggest resin printer, so thats why I dont mention the settings here since I dont have a resin printer to test.