Santa Tank

Santa Tank Free 3D print model


Our story takes place in a very remote part of Russia during Christmas time. Santa was on his usual trip to

deliver presents all over the world and now, after a long day of work, he had only one family left to

visit. They lived all by themselves far into the wilderness, surrounded by mountains and snow, the best

Christmas location all year round. Half way to their house Santa stopped his sleigh so his reindeers could

rest a bit and drink some water, however it was unknown to him that a few days earlier the military,

thinking this area is uninhabited, destroyed nearby an impressive amount of illegally made alcohol and

drugs which made their way into the water in this area. A few minutes later Santa noticed his reindeers

were high as hell and in no condition to do their job and pull the sleigh, but he was not going to let that

stop him from his mission to deliver presents to the family. He packed all the presents he needed and,

facing the elements, started walking through the blizzard towards his final house on the list. After a few

miles faith made in such a way that Santa found an abandoned russian tank, a relic of the world war era. It

was in a terrible shape and in no condition to run but Christmas miracles is what Santa does for a living,

so he opens his coat and from an inner pocket he gets a few grains of magic dust which he spinkles over the

tank and in a matter of seconds all rust starts to disappear and moments later the engine comes to life,

this tank is now in a better shape than when it was new.

Now, armed with his next generation sleigh and rollin' like a boss, there's nothing to stop Santa in his

quest to get the Christmas spirit to that poor family whose kids have been so good throughout the year.

Keep on rollin' Santa !

f-barzin7310102023-12-03 07:46:08 UTC
Liked it !
Bogdan2017-12-05 22:35:07 UTC
rmcbride2017-12-05 22:03:51 UTC
At 100% size, necessary supports for model are impossible to remove. Cannon becomes detached, Santa's arms and the star on the tree will too. Internal tank treads are auto supported as well. The treads are loosely attached to the tank body and can easily pop off. Five prints, five failures. Is there a 2.0 version (highly recommended) coming that is better for real world printing instead of looking great just on the screen?
Bogdan2017-12-05 22:39:42 UTC
Hey. Thanks for the feedback. This is a very old model made in a rush and I do not have time now to revisit it, thus I suppose I will be releasing it for free, in case people need it for something else. Please ask for a refund, no problem.
rmcbride2017-12-06 08:00:11 UTC
Thank you for the quick reply, honesty and offer for a refund. I am happy to NOT ask for a refund based on your reply. Perhaps we can work together on another project, and we can make it up there. And now I see the model for free... even cooler for others to kick around. Kudos to you. In the spirit of Santa... Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to you!
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Santa Tank
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Santa Tank
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Response 73% in 45.7h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)9.67 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)6.01 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2013-12-23
  • Model ID#49224
  • Ready for 3D Printing