horizon zero dawn thunderjaw

horizon zero dawn thunderjaw 3D print model


model printed withe elegoo mars

The Thunderjaw is a machine in Horizon Zero Dawn. It is a large Combat Class machine, one of the two largest machines of this class. Its size, power, and array of heavily damaging weapons make it one of the most feared of all machines.The Thunderjaw is a huge bipedal machine with features akin to those of a Tyrannosaurus Rex: powerful and bulky legs, a long body, and a heavy tail to maintain equilibrium. Its body features symmetrical weaponry: a laser weapon in its mouth, cannons on its jaws, a radar array on its back, and Disc Launchers on its hips.

BehaviorLike most large machines, Thunderjaws are found alone. A pair can be found together protecting a herd of Lancehorns in the Glarebreak, west of Free Heap.

When undisturbed, Thunderjaws mill about their respective sites, their footfalls an early warning to anyone wandering too close. They are so massive that they can knock over trees just by walking into them.

yevgeny2020-10-22 15:17:36 UTC
incredible job
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horizon zero dawn thunderjaw
Royalty Free License 
horizon zero dawn thunderjaw
Royalty Free License 
Response 67% in 48.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)8.47 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)8.47 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-10-22
  • Model ID#2667293
  • Ready for 3D Printing