3D model descriptionCreated from a desire to make streamlined slick design for this probably most aforbdable and popular frame format.
Provides grass and other type of protection.Mounts for Antennas ans xt60 and GPS,Easy access to USB-CMount for Pavo20 set if you want to swap your camera setup between builds
You can also purchase parts of this bundle separately in my other designs
Please contact me in case of any issues.
Copyright, 2025, ArtAir
3D printing settingsCovers itself should be printed in CoPET ( PLA also possible but not tested).
USB-C cover with hook must be printed with TPU/elastan/rubber. I t was designed for this materials.
Tree Auto support is a mustNormal infill 15%,2 wallsOuter brim - also a must
For Antenna mount:
The body of mount print in Copet\PLA on normal settings with Tree Auto supports
Alll other removable and folding Parts should be printed in TPU/ ELASTANE RUbber also with TREE AUTO SUPPORT.
For front camera mount:CoPET for structural strenght.
2 walls15% infillTree Auto support is must.Other setting are up to you.