Drone Frame

Drone Frame 3D print model


Drone frame 3d printable model. The drone frame is very much compact, lightweight and strong. It is a foldable drone in the shape of “X”. The design is made like that it can carry easily 2kg payload (including electronics).“Drone Frame with electronics” this model contains Motor, Propeller, Gimble (Imaginary) and Dual GPS module, I didn’t add battery, flight controller, esc as this competition based on only frame design, these electronics are varied by the person, cost, purpose, usability that is why I did not add to the model.Cad model: “Cad Folder” contains cad model which is done in Autodesk Fusion 360.Design Speciality: The weight of the frame is only 110.909 gram, not only that this heavy payload drone is foldable and it can be converted from 400x400 mm to 250x250 mm.Autodesk Fusion 360: The drone frame cad model and simulation done in FUSION 360. the software is very light weight and the main thing is we can do simulation analysis in cloud, by which I am able to optimize the frame for a 2kg payload Drone frame, by taking as much possible less material. So that cost will be under control.
Keyshot: This software used for rendering and making animation.

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Drone Frame
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Drone Frame
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk Fusion 360 (.f3d)8.19 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)23.3 MB
  • PDF (.pdf)489 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-09-10
  • Model ID#3981066
  • Ready for 3D Printing