Easy to assemble, full size, and of course, wearable. This helmet is very big (the same size as the original screen used), so you need a 40x40cm 3D printer in order to print it (Creality CR-10 S4, S5, T-rex, etc, etc). If you want to print it in a smaller 3D printer, you need to chop the dome by yourself.
2.500.000 polys PLA 0.2 mm layer 210° - 50° Modified Chris Elkin's profil: 3 perimeters, 40mm/s last perimeter at 30%. 10% infill. Printable with 2 spools and half (all parts, including supports).
You need five 20x10x3mm neodymium magnets (with 4mm hole) to atach the head to the dome, and an extra large washer 60mm external diameter and 20mm internal diameter), but you can replace the washer with any flat metal part, and five small screws for the magnets.
You can add three steel bearings (Mr105zz 5x10x4mm) for a perfect and smooth rotation of the back of the head, and two 40x40x10mm fans, but this is not indispensable. You can use it without the forehead part (face and dome), addind straps. I modeled this part for those who want to customize the helmet and make a ROTJ version adding an orthopedic collar and the details (not included, they are not printable, so you need buy them).
INCLUDES SIMPLIFY3D SUPPORTS. Just load the object and import the supports for every part. Everything is allready rotated and ready to slice.