Water turbine with 12VDC Generator 230-1150 Watt 10-30 m head

Water turbine with 12VDC Generator 230-1150 Watt 10-30 m head 3D print model


This Water Turbine is designed for a water flow from 6 to10liter per second and a head from 10 to 30meters.The electrical power is 230-1150Watt dependend on head (10-30m).The generator creates 12VDC and needs to be connected to a 12V Plumbum Accumulator.

This water turbine isnt tested jet. But this will be done soon.

Attached a part list for the additional needed Parts:

1pcs. GENERATOR 55A FORD ESCORT 81 86 91 3 GAA 4 GAF AWF 5 6 GAL1pcs. 12V 44Ah Starterbatterie Autobatterie1pcs. 50mm PE Klemmverbinder Fitting Verschraubungxxmeter PE Rohr 50x3,63pcs. Screw M6 x 502pcs. Screw M6 x 805pcs. Washers for M6 screw

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Water turbine with 12VDC Generator 230-1150 Watt 10-30 m head
Royalty Free License 
Water turbine with 12VDC Generator 230-1150 Watt 10-30 m head
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (4 files)27.1 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-05-30
  • Model ID#3072052
  • Ready for 3D Printing