V Spaceship replica

V Spaceship replica 3D print model


This is my 3D printable V spaceship replica from the 80's TV series of the same name.It consists of 26 pieces that clip or press together and it deos not require supports.I painstakingly modeled it inside and out following references as closely as possible.Paperclips are used for the door and stair hinges to enable them to work at such a small size (25cm or 9.8 inches long)The chairs can be simply be glued inside.I have provided:1- STL's (in groups and individual files)2- Objs (individual files)If you are a fan like me, then you will like this one.

karlu2023-09-15 17:36:36 UTC
Good job
emperor1872021-05-28 13:21:30 UTC
I am almost finished printing the model in my Anycubic Mono X. Just fits as scaled on the bed. Definitely want to orient at an angle and print with supports for the best resolution results. Very impressive so far, look forward to building. Word of warning, be very careful with the window areas, they are extremely fragile (I broke the rear window). This wasn't a huge deal for me since I plan on replacing the model windows with frosted acrylic sheet.
jd942021-04-18 12:31:07 UTC
awesome work!
monolith0502018-08-28 07:32:02 UTC
Fantastic model! I could not agree more with seaview's comments!! Truly amazing model and when printed, exceeded my expectations!!!
seaview2018-04-23 05:46:21 UTC
follow up to my first comment... this model printed beautifully! i didnt use support on any piece, but i would recommend it printing the stairs. i'm still in the finishing stage and probably will be for awhile as i've put it aside for now. i printed it at 150% and it's going to look great. many thanks to the author... download this if your a fan and have always wanted a model of this ship as have I. you won't be disappointed!
Item rating
3 0
billyo3442020-01-28 22:11:22 UTC
Scaled up to 150%, this almost matches the on screen "action figure" toys scale from the mini series. Nice build, please give us more! perhaps some mid section variants like a transport or chemical storage, just like the filming models, slap on the existing front and rear pieces and make a fleet!
Oscar3dStudio2020-01-28 18:58:18 UTC
Very good desing.
seaview2018-02-16 05:27:21 UTC
As I haven't printed this model yet I can't say anything yet as to that end. But judging by the presentation and looking at the files, this should turn out to be a spectacular model! I can say that I think the price at $35 on sale was very fair. Although I'm not sure I would buy it at it's regular price of $50. I'm a fan of sci Fi and of V, But maybe not that much of a fan. I also believe that It's a lot easier to take a chance on a model at $35. I've downloaded many models and a lot of them aren't all their cracked up to be so it's hit or miss many times. I'm not saying that of this author of course. I'm sure this will be a great model and I hope he or she makes more sic fi related files for us to buy... but the proof is in the printing!
V Spaceship replica
Editorial No Ai License 
V Spaceship replica
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 93% in 14.1h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)9.73 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (4 files)33.1 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2018-02-11
  • Model ID#848576