The Amazing Spider-Man Faceshell

The Amazing Spider-Man Faceshell 3D print model


Hi!I have made Spidey's faceshell from movie The Amazing Spider-Man 2: High voltage.

Holes for magnets:Recatangular magnet: 10x5mm (2mm of depth).Circular magnet: 5mm (3mm of depth).

Also I make Web shooters. But you need to check siae of them because I am not sure about it.

I'm separated model on different part, for convenient assembly.Helmet was made for adult male head.Also if you need cut helmet for your printer, file includes uncut model.

talismanst2019-04-27 17:15:00 UTC
Item rating
1 0
emilianolorencesgutierrezelg2021-10-17 21:21:28 UTC
Excelente modelo, solo tuve problemas con los ojos pero muy parecido:)
The Amazing Spider-Man Faceshell
Editorial No Ai License 
The Amazing Spider-Man Faceshell
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 48% in 40.4h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (31 files)141 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-03-27
  • Model ID#1936474
  • Ready for 3D Printing