The Swordfis class (Zwaardvisklasse) submarines are a series of 2 submarines in service from 1972-1992 by the Dutch navy.
The submarinse are Dutch design but slightly based on the shape of the USA Barbel class submarines.
The serie consists of 2 sumariens named:
HrMs ZwaardvisHrMs Tijgerhaai
This model is based on my other 1/50 scale model but has a modified hull. Made for a 60mm WTC . The parts for making this a RC model are part of the file set. A working model is made by myself
The model is best printed in ASA or another high tempurature resistant filament (HT PLA will do. After printing the hull can be threated with a sealer, i use Dichtol a very thin polymer impregnant.
Included in the file set:Hull split in 2 parts (top ands bottom) at the waterline2 Modeltypes (Sail and Hull parts) Before and After MidlifeUpdate (BMU and AMU)
The WTC parts file set contains:Endcaps (front and back) best printed in ASABallast tank (Resin type) and FDM type.Motor mountPump mountServo Mount Snorkel (to be printed in Resin)Accu holder and RC plate.Length 420 mmDiameter: 60mm
Note: The ASA Endcaps and FDM Ballasttank must be threated with a sealer (Dichtol) to make the watertight)
The necessary parts (Pump and motor etc) are in the partslist. (included with the WTC files)
Building a working submarine model is not easy. Experience with this type of model building is strongly advised. This model is suitable for working. Some self-solving ability is needed to make a succesful model.