Star Wars Darth Revan Helmet 3D Print Files

Star Wars Darth Revan Helmet 3D Print Files 3D print model


Revan/Darth Revan Helmet 3D Files by Jedha Workshop

*Please Note - These are 3D print Files, no physical helmet will be shipped.

Revan/Darth Revan - whichever you choose to be, is one of the most fascinating characters from the game Knights of the Old Republic. When we first meet him, he’s a man (or woman) without a past and you get to choose their identity… only he does have one.

It’s later revealed he was good once and a Jedi hero. He then turns to the dark side and becomes a sith lord having become frustrated with the Jedi’s restraint during the Mandalore war. He then gets betrayed by his own sith apprentice who attempts to destroy him. Revan survives and is recovered by the Jedi who attempt to erase his memory in order for him to rejoin their ranks.

It’s ultimately revealed in the comics that prior to all of the events of the first game that in fact, he was captured by the Sith Emperor and brainwashed into becoming his servant. Revan is a man who has been used by everyone and sets out on his own path to discover who he is himself and not in spite of these things, but because of them.

Evidently, Light or dark cannot be given, it should be granted to the individuals free will. Try and force it, and you all loose because this is inflicting your own ego upon another. And whatever you resist, persists.

Built from scratch and drawing on inspiration from the video game and comics, we took great care getting the shape of the helmet and all the little details just right.

The front and back parts of the helmet join with 8 x (4mm x 3mm neodymium magnets). The smaller accessories are all separate for easier printing and building.

Parts included are:

• Front Mask

• Rear Helmet

• Large Vents

• Small Vents

• Front Greeblies

UPDATES - I've now added ear hollows so it's more comfortable.

We are extremely proud of this helmet!

Files will be available for immediate download from this website upon purchase.

Please only use for personal printing.

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Star Wars Darth Revan Helmet 3D Print Files
Editorial No Ai License 
Star Wars Darth Revan Helmet 3D Print Files
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 100% in 14.3h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max)14.8 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)29.5 MB
  • PDF (.pdf) (2 files)29.5 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-10-17
  • Model ID#4055590
  • Ready for 3D Printing