Star Wars Clone Trooper Phase II Heavy Gunner 3D Print Files

Star Wars Clone Trooper Phase II Heavy Gunner 3D Print Files 3D print model


3D Print files for Clone Trooper Phase 2 (Realistic Style) Heavy Gunner Helmet.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a digital 3D print file, not a physical helmet.

This is the full kit including helmet and all accessories. For the Heavy Gunner Add Ons Only, please view my shop.

This helmet has been designed from scratch to be as accurate as possible. In real life this helmet would be impossible to put on your head. It is a one piece model bar the accessories. We wanted to widen the bottom hole whilst retaining the neck line so that the helmet can be put on and taken off without removing entire sections like alternative models.

The Nose grill is cut out allowing for real wire mesh to be added.

Included in this pack is:

• Main helmet

• Comm Link x2 parts (Main black piece and tiny silver for easy painting)

• Rebreather (including textured version or alternative 2 part DIY mesh version)

Heavy Gunner pieces:

• Helmet top components x 2

• Heavy Visor

Files will be avaulable for immediate download upon purchase.


• This is not an official licensed product and is considered ‘Fan Art’. The copyright of this product does not belong to the seller.

• CC License. Commercial selling or modification is not permitted unless express permission has been granted by Jedha Workshop. Please only use for personal printing.

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Star Wars Clone Trooper Phase II Heavy Gunner 3D Print Files
Editorial No Ai License 
Star Wars Clone Trooper Phase II Heavy Gunner 3D Print Files
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 100% in 14.3h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (5 files)72.5 MB
  • PDF (.pdf) (2 files)68 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-02-18
  • Model ID#3592827
  • Ready for 3D Printing