This is a display base for the both the MPC/Round 2 1/48 Space 1999: Eagle as well as the 1/72 Scale one as well. It can be used for the Sixteen 12 Eagles as well.
You should have a 12" FDM print bed if you are to print this out at full size.
You can adjust the Z height of the pistons to display the landing pad at different heights.
If printed out at full size, the 22 Inch version measures about 339x720mm. The 14 Inch Version is approximately 194x412mm
A set of Hangar Walls is included in both scales.
***Added Angle Brackets for both 1/72 and 1/48 versions to ensure Long and Short supports under landing pad are held at 90 degree angle. Print as many as you feel you need.
0.2mm layer height4 wall thicknesses20% infill