boxe glove mayweather -the money team-

boxe glove mayweather -the money team- 3D print model


boxe glove mayweather the money teamguanti da boxe portachiavi del grande floyd mayweather...facilissimi da stampare,potete personalizzare con i colori che preferite,io ho scelto guanto nero e scritta oroE' consigliata una stampante con 2 file e' composto da 6 file stl . boxe glove sotto-sono le parti inferiori del guantone,sia la destra che la sinistra.bande-sono le due striscette che vanno sopra i polsini.poi ho suddiviso in 4 file le parti sopra del guanto dx e sx con il logo TMT dx e fase di slicer unire glove dx con text dx e selezionare una parte per l'estrusore 1 e l'altra per l'estrusore 2...ripetere l'operazione con le parti sx...ho lasciato un immagine come esempio...altezza 45 cmconsigli di stampa,layer 0.1,velocita 40/60 m/s,infill 10/20%,usare i supporti almeno al 20%,brim almeno 10 linee se si va' molto veloci...una volta stampato tutto,inserite i lacci nei fori del guantone e fate un fiocco...usate un'altro laccio per unire i due guantoni,incollate le parti,e il vostro portachiavi e' terminato...buon lavoro e buon divertimento...

boxe glove mayweather the money teamboxing gloves keyring of the big floyd mayweather ... very easy to print, you can customize with your favorite colors, I chose black glove and gold writingA printer with 2 extruders is recommended ... the file consists of 6 stl files. boxing glove underneath are the lower parts of the glove, both the right and the left.Band-are the two strips that go over the cuffs.then I divided the parts above the right and left glove with the TMT dx logo into 4 rows left ... during slicer join glove dx with text dx and select one part for extruder 1 and the other for extruder 2 ... repeat the operation with the left parts ... I left an image as an example ...height 45 cmprinting tips, layer 0.1, speed 40/60 m / s, infill 10/20%, use media at least 20%, brim at least 10 lines if you go very fast ...once everything is printed, insert the laces in the holes of the glove and make a bow ... use another lace to join the two gloves, glue the parts, and your key ring is finished ...good work and have fun ...

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boxe glove mayweather -the money team-
Royalty Free License 
boxe glove mayweather -the money team-
Royalty Free License 
Response 100% in 16.4h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (6 files)4.78 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-03-31
  • Model ID#1939924
  • Ready for 3D Printing