Printable PAZUZU demon from The Exorcist

Printable PAZUZU demon from The Exorcist 3D print model


3D printable file of the PAZUZU statue demon from The Exorcist movie

Please note that these files are for personal use only, never for resale or profit.Modeled from scratch by DreamOfProps, using stills from the movie.

3mf download. (If you need the STL -450Mo- contact me after purchase)Size (100% printed): 160mm x 108mm x 70mm

Perfect for SLA printer. Tweak and test your supports with FDM (works great on a P1S).Result depends of your printer and skills.

I tried to be as accurate as possible.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the model.


/!\ DISCLAIMER /!\This is not an officially authorized product.All credits should go to the original prop designers.

It's just fan art, for the fans.

seakingfak2023-12-20 19:17:16 UTC
I was put off initially because I could not get the 3MF file to load any data. Seller provided an STL file and it is working flawlessly. Excellent seller service 10/10!
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Printable PAZUZU demon from The Exorcist
Custom License 
Printable PAZUZU demon from The Exorcist
Custom License 
Response 100% in 0.4h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • 3D Manufacturing File (.3mf)9.61 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-10-20
  • Model ID#4849486
  • Ready for 3D Printing