suttnerk2025-03-02 19:33:53 UTCSo far, it looks really great. I am printing a bunch of the files out but one of the files is too big so I need to cut it in half and I just can’t figure that out yet.
frenchsprinkler2023-11-28 21:29:18 UTCFiles are a bit of a mess. You will need reference photos to assemble as all 90 something files are downloaded individually. Some Cgtrader photos a very low res, particularly the right side of the cockpit so that makes it more difficult. If you're wanting to assemble the cockpit in a CAD before printing and you're no P51 expert, you can expect to spend a few hours on assembly alone. That being said, the parts have great detail, I did need to do some topology tidy up but things are looking and printing great so far.
davidandstacey962023-03-05 15:32:39 UTCModel seems to be well thought out in the file breakdown and is printing great. It would be helpful if there was a legend and drawing to show where individual switch pieces and instruments go by file name.
electricman22023-02-21 13:55:43 UTCNice model of the cockpit, but please have the option to download everything in one zip file.