Model Railway Bedroom Draw Unit - Ideal for scenery in model railway house.
Models are designed at OO gauge, 1/76.2 scale but can easily be scaled for other gauges.for HO gauge print at 87%, 1/87 Scale,for O gauge UK at 175%, 1/43.5 Scale,for O gauge International print at 158%, 1/48 Scale,for N gauge print at 51.49%, 1/148 Scale, (Caution: I have not printed this model in N gauge so can’t guarantee its printability)
The examples in the pictures were printed on a AnyCubic Proton 3D resin printer.I recommend printing these on a 3D resin printer to get best print definition.As per normal with my designs there is a balance between accuracy and printability, hopefully not affecting the look of the model too much.
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