Nova Helmet Marvel

Nova Helmet Marvel 3D print model


A full size Nova Helmet, cut for A Prusa/Replicator2/Wanhao size machine, but full uncut's helmet included also.

Dimensions can be found in the pdf file. The helmet is ~300mm high and ~182mm wide . The hole size is ~182mm wide and ~181mm long.

This is a fan-made representation. We are in no way affiliated licensed by Disney

Item rating
1 1
diablopb2021-09-10 11:52:03 UTC
kurtdejaeger2020-02-23 09:59:32 UTC
Not Recommended
Positive about the creation and model it selfs. This is a very awesome looking helmet. Why the negative? Well, the details (especially the sidelines around the helmet) are not fine. It's like all little stairs and the lines are not smooth. (serrated?? Don't know the correct word) It almost seems like created small and then enlarged it. Overall Positive, but this kinda ruins the helmet a little bit and much sanding will be needed to get those little corners out. So this sucks a little bit :-( Hope the other helmets are not like that (if needed I'll send photo's)
Nova Helmet Marvel
Royalty Free License 
Nova Helmet Marvel
Royalty Free License 
Response 52% in 48.0h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • PDF (.pdf)474 KB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (20 files)218 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-02-01
  • Model ID#841110
  • Ready for 3D Printing