These 10 .STL files will create an N-Scale tunnel with a raised half circle around the back. When assembled with Ramp-02 you will have a 4’ x 2’ layout. These files will measure 24” deep x 22” wide when assembled. Each part is numbered on the underside of each shell.Suggested printer settings:• Printer: FDM (you can use a resin printer if the build volume is large enough)• Minium build volume: 200 mm x 200 mm x 200 mm• Material: PETG (suggest not using PLA as it may deform over time)• Minimum nozzle: 0.4 mm• Quality (resolution): Draft (you’ll fill in all the print ridges later with your grass, dirt and other landscape material) • Speed: as fast as your printer can go• Material quantity: You’ll need a little over half a 1 kg roll of filament.• Supports: Properly positioned on the build plate, should not need supports.• Color: whatever base color works for your layout, e.g.: tan, light gray, brown, light green, etc.• You should be able to print 2 ‘opposite” shells at a time, example: Ramp-01-01 with Ramp-01-04; Ramp-01-02 with Ramp-01-03; Ramp-01-05 with Ramp-01-06; Ramp-01-07 with Ramp-01-08.• Both tunnels together should fit on one build plate.• The .STL files should be in the correct orientation when placing in your slicer.