Modelling Riveted Steel Beams for Scratch Building 3D Design

Modelling Riveted Steel Beams for Scratch Building 3D Design 3D print model


When someone asked on Facebook if these were available on the internet to download and print, I thought it would be a good idea to design these items for people to download and print instead of buying.

When you scratch build items for any model hobby you need materials to make items, I'm hoping to develop a range of items you can download and print whenever you need them.

I am looking at creating a set of designs for each type in various lengths (100mm, 200mm, and 300mm), the idea is to create the most common sizes first but with the ability to add other sizes depending on feedback (Please message me). They can be trimmed to the exact length you require after printing.I personally model railways in OO Gauge which is 1/76 scale and this is the scale of these designs, but these designs can be scaled up or down depending on your scale and what you model. Please contact me if you are having issues scaling and I will attempt to help you.

Depending on the items some designs might be best printed on an FDM printer but others on a Resin printer. With resin printers, the length might be limited to your build area size.

For these Riveted Steel Beam designs the following sizes are included 100mm, 200mm, and 300mm lengthsHeight x Width (Real Life dimensions first followed by 1/76 dimensions).0.8m x 0.4m x 50mm = 10.5mm x 5.3mm x 0.6mm;0.6m x 0.3m x 45mm = 7.9mm x 3.9mm x 0.55mm;0.4m x 0.2m x 40mm = 5.3mm x 2.6mm x 0.5mm;

As per normal with my designs, there is a balance between accuracy and printability, hopefully not affecting the look of the model too much.

The main resins I use for printing can be found with my affiliated links below.I use AnyCubic Water Washable Resin for most of my items but use AnyCubic ABS Like Resin for anything that needs to be stronger and tougher.

AnyCubic ABS-like Resin (Amazon)AnyCubic Water Washable Resin (Amazon)

If you like my designs then please would you support me through my Patreon account -, any money raised helps me research, design, and develop new items for me to share. For £1 a month, you will give me basic support and for £4 you will get insight into my new designs and be able to contribute to my future projects.

If you would like a particular item that isn't listed here you can request for me to do a project for you via Please be realistic.

Please also check out my Website

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Modelling Riveted Steel Beams for Scratch Building 3D Design
Royalty Free License 
Modelling Riveted Steel Beams for Scratch Building 3D Design
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (9 files)344 MBVersion: 23Version: 23Version: 23Version: 23Version: 23Version: 23Version: 23Version: 23Version: 23
  • Other 508 Bytes

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2024-01-22
  • Model ID#5043482