Model Railway Curve Camber Wedges lots of angles - Resin and FDM

Model Railway Curve Camber Wedges lots of angles - Resin and FDM 3D print model


Model Railway track wedges are designed for curves to have a camber as the train goes around the curve.

Included is a range of wedges that can be used to achieve the desired camber around your curve, print as many as you need to go around each bend. start with minimum-angle wedges and build up to the desired angle you require. All wedges include a 1.5mm hole if you require track pins to hold down the track.

The wedges are designed for OO/HO track and the description on the wedges reflects this. If you print as different gauge sizes then the angle will be correct but the height will not be.

for O print at 158%, 1:48 Scale.

Angles included, 1 Degree, Approx 0.5mm High, 1.5 Degrees, Approx 0.75mm High, 2 Degrees, Approx 1mm High, 2.5 Degrees, Approx 1.25mm High, 3 Degrees, Approx 1.5mm High, 3.5 Degrees, Approx 1.75mm High, 4 Degrees, Approx 2mm High, 4.5 Degrees, Approx 2.25mm High, 5 Degrees, Approx 2.5mm High.

The wedges are designed to be printed on a resin 3D printer as the tips of the wedges get very thin, 1Degree, 1.5Degree and 2Degree are shorter because they are too thin to fully print. All wedges are designed to be lined up with the outside edge of the sleeper. When printing I recommend printing from the thickest side first to the thin tip, I have included STL files with print supports added.

With this design, I recommend printing vertically when using resin - Tested on AnyCubic PhotonWhen printing with Filament I recommend printing flat on the bed - Tested on Bambu Labs A1

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Model Railway Curve Camber Wedges lots of angles - Resin and FDM
Royalty Free License 
Model Railway Curve Camber Wedges lots of angles - Resin and FDM
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (18 files)5.31 MBVersion: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (9 files)1.36 MBVersion: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (9 files)3.06 MBVersion: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2Version: 2
  • Other 508 Bytes

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-12-27
  • Model ID#2779277
  • Ready for 3D Printing