Hello! I designed this armor in real scale to be able to do my Uruk Hai cosplay. It has a great level of detail and the truth is that it was spectacular. With this cosplay I won first place in the ComicCon contest. It's super realistic and looks great.
Once assembled, check if it fits well to your body, if not, you can shape it with heat. I used a heat gun to soften the print and give it the shape I needed for my body.Another option that I also used the second time I printed this piece was to use flexible filament, which I highly recommend.
You can paint on the plastic directly with acrylic paint. If you want to achieve more realism, you can add a layer of foam clay, texture it with a stiff sponge and paint on top. I usually paint the base black, do the highlights with silver, and then add rust paint.
You can see the other pieces of this cosplay published in my profile