MASTER SWORD from Zelda Breath of the Wild - Life Size

MASTER SWORD from Zelda Breath of the Wild - Life Size 3D print model


UPDATE: Now including the scabbard and a nice wall hanger for the sword!

This is the legendary Master Sword, also known as the Blade of Evil's Bane, from the Legend of Zelda series. This edition of the sword represents the Master Sword as seen in Links latest adventure “Breath of the Wild”. Because the several artworks of the Master Sword and the actual in-game graphics vary quite a lot, I decided to take only the in-game graphics as reference for my model. So, with these STL files you will get the most accurate, life size 3D printable “Breath of the Wild” Master Sword for your next cosplay costume! Or you can add it to your sword collection or just display it nicely in your room.


  • Life sized, when printed in the native scale
  • Raised Triforce emblem on the blade
  • The handle can be printed in two versions: Either with the grip wrap already in the printed model or without grip wrap, if you want to wrap it yourself (recommended – it is more work but it looks way better).
  • The wrapping can be made with somthing like this: *
  • The handle which needs to be wrapped has little guiding grooves where the grip wrap goes. It makes it easier to apply the grip wrap.
  • For more stability and a more realistic feel you can put a 1m long and 6mm thick steel rod inside the sword (must be put in before final assembly).
  • There are also two holes in every blade element to put in a Ø6x20mm dowel and in the handle to put in a Ø6x15mm dowel to prevent the elements from turning during assembly and gluing.
  • Detailed scabbard for the Master Sword
  • There are two holes in every scabbard element to put in a Ø4x20mm dowel to prevent the elements from turning during assembly and gluing (except for the tip: Ø4x10mm).
  • Wall hanger for the Master Sword


Length: 1242mm (1284mm with scabbard)

Width: 250mm

Hight: 72mm

The fully assembled sword with steel rod weighs around 560g (depending on your infill ratio).


  • Use the program 7-zip to extract the ZIP-files
  • You purchase digital STL-files for 3D printing!
  • All files are tested and successfully printed with an FDM printer and assembled by me.
  • Min. printer build volume for the native scale: 200x200x200 (WxDxH)
  • The model was designed that all details are visible when printed with a 0.4mm nozzle. If you scale the model down you should consider a thinner nozzle.
  • A Commercial License, to sell 3D-Prints of my Models, is available here:
  • Patreon >
  • Thangs >

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(*) Alle Links sind Amazon Affiliate Links. Werden Käufe über diese Links getätigt, erhalte ich eine kleine Provision von Amazon. Der Preis für dich ändert sich dadurch natürlich nicht.All links are Amazon Affiliate links. If purchases are made via these links, I receive a small commission from Amazon. Of course, this does not change the price for you.

karlu2023-10-14 15:47:03 UTC
bearfestival2023-08-29 00:24:58 UTC
What infill amounts did you print with? I printed it all in 20% but the blade is a bit hefty, makes me a bit nervous about lifting it by the hilt. Debating if I should re-print the blade part at like, 5%.
nerdmakerengineer2023-08-30 16:34:19 UTC
Hey, I printed mine with 10% infill. For the blade 10% is ok. I guess even 5% would be fine. But for the hilt I would use 25% or higher, if you want to swing it around.
bearfestival2023-09-10 17:42:27 UTC
Gotcha! Any suggestions for the wrap you mentioned in the description?
nerdmakerengineer2023-09-11 20:15:04 UTC
Any green real or fake leather or suede will do. Finding the right green will be the challenge. I used this here (but I don't know if thats available in your region):
shakamui2022-06-27 14:52:42 UTC
Hello, I see in the description that there are 3 STL files but on the screenshots that there are more. Can you confirm the number of files in the zip file. Thank you.
nerdmakerengineer2022-06-27 18:02:59 UTC
Hey, it says 3 files because I uploaded 3 zip files. First zip contains 21 STLs (sword, scabbard, wall hanger) to use, if you have a printer bigger than 240x240x240mm Second zip contains 15 STLs (sword, scabbard) if you have a printer smaller than 240x240x240mm Third zip contains 4 STLs (split wall hanger plate) if you have a printer smaller than 240x240x240mm Hope this helps.
shakamui2022-07-04 10:11:37 UTC
Thanks for your feedback I think I'll give it a try then :D
gavan1garner2022-06-09 02:43:03 UTC
What size is this in inches please I want to know if it will fit in my printer
nerdmakerengineer2022-06-09 18:52:57 UTC
The whole sword is 48.9 inches long. The individual parts are 7.87 inches long.
nerdmakerengineer2022-06-11 12:00:37 UTC
The whole sword is 48.9 inches long. The individual parts are 7.87 inches long.
Item rating
4 0
maweber11b2023-01-23 20:26:45 UTC
Thought I had an issue and even though it was abled to get it figured out. The creator was still very quick to respond and inquire about my issue. Very professional and talented.
aviation-buff522022-10-25 00:15:23 UTC
Nicely designed to allow a metal rod to be inserted for sturdiness. Printed parts fit together very well and will make a nice display piece for the serious Zelda fan!
martyballz2022-06-24 03:39:54 UTC
What an awesome seller! Needed a smaller scale for a product and they hooked me up super quick! 100 % recommend their stuff!
sezmehk2022-06-10 04:19:34 UTC
MASTER SWORD from Zelda Breath of the Wild - Life Size
Custom No Ai License 
MASTER SWORD from Zelda Breath of the Wild - Life Size
Custom No Ai License 
Available in these collections
Response 97% in 6.6h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)25.8 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-08-25
  • Model ID#2562309
  • Ready for 3D Printing