Great model. I haven't printed it yet but seems really good. The only stormtrooper helmet model I've found with every parts removable.
Easy to assemble, life size, and of course, wearable. Enjoy trooping!
You need a Creality3D CR-10 or an 30x30x30 printer in order to print this helmet. 2.500.000 polysPLA 0.2 mm layer 210° - 50°Modified Chris Elkin's profil: 3 perimeters, 40mm/s last perimeter at 30% (you can go faster with an regular CR-10, I have a S5 and I must slow down to avoid ghosting).Printable with 1kg spool (all parts, including supports).6 days (143 hours 20minutes, all parts, 120 hours for the main part)
INCLUDES SIMPLIFY3D SUPPORTS. Just load the object and import the supports for every part. Everything is allready rotated and ready to slice.