Skyhook Bioshock Infinite 3D printable file

Skyhook Bioshock Infinite 3D printable file 3D print model


Skyhook Bioshock Infinite 3D printable file for cosplay or props.

Reselling the file and raw kits is forbidden without my permission.

Personal use only

skkkc2022-10-08 20:51:52 UTC
Hi! Is the hook spinning? Is this model moving on trigger pull? If so, I will be buying it ASAP, it looks amazing. Like this:
oxtaku2021-01-20 14:16:32 UTC
You have missing parts.
MarduProductions2021-01-20 15:39:23 UTC
which one?
oxtaku2021-01-22 02:14:11 UTC
The main piece that connects the front and the handler, and the key on the side. A friend of mine got it as a gift and asked me if I could model those missing parts. Weird that noone noticed.
Item rating
1 0
the-damned5852019-08-12 21:30:09 UTC
While being sold for such an outrageous price for such simple model, it isn't even set symmetrically within coordinates and cut and saved absolutely printing-unfriendly. Yet model is accurate, has no mistakes in building and overall fine.
Skyhook Bioshock Infinite 3D printable file
Editorial No Ai License 
Skyhook Bioshock Infinite 3D printable file
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 93% in 4.1h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)60.9 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-06-16
  • Model ID#919064
  • Ready for 3D Printing