Attention! 02/01/2020 In addition to the spar, I also corrected the angle near the aileron. New file posted here and on cgtrader I also made a new version of the elevator, it is 2 grams lighter than the old one, and now the axis is needed much shorter. New elevator needs to be used with new part 9 small changes 6 and 8
Attention! 01/30/2020 update 8.stl
Attention! 01/26/2020 added PROPELLER WITH SEPARATE BLADES 8X6X3
Attention! 01/25/2020 added spiner for 2x propeller and updated files 15 and 17
Hi guys! I have already designed, printed and crashed planes from PLA and PETG many times. Every unsuccessful landing ends in failure. I have to print for many hours. My EXTRA300 model without glue turned out to be very technological for replacing broken parts, but breakdowns still happen often. I decided to make the plane smaller and lighter. A 1:15 scale allows you to make planes with a flight weight of less than 400 grams. My first model on this scale is the LA5 FN.
La-5 is a Soviet single-engine fighter created under the leadership of S. A. Lavochkin in 1942. The aircraft was a single-seat monoplane with a solid wood structure with retractable landing gear and a closed cockpit.
All parts are printed with a 0.4mm nozzle. One perimeter vase mode. Only the engine mount is printed in 2 perimeters and with a filling of 50%. It is better to start printing 2 covers and end without a cover. After printing 6 and 8, cuts must be made with a hot knife to accommodate the electronics and battery. Part 7 must be glued close to the battery compartment. For ailerons and elevators, I used an axis with a diameter of 1.6 mm. Part 3, 4 and 5 must be fixed with 1.5x8mm screws I used the motor 2205-2300kv, ESC 20A, 2x servo 5g -9g bat 3S - 460mah