Helm of Saint 14 - 3D Print Files

Helm of Saint 14 - 3D Print Files 3D print model


3D print files for the Helm of Saint 14 as seen in Destiny 2

Files are in STL format and are default scaled to fit up to 24" circumference heads

The helmet uses 8mm diameter by 3mm deep magnets to secure the faceplates in place so they can be removed

The main body of the helmet comes in 3 versions:Magnet holes with visor ridgeNo magnet holes with visor ridgeNo magnet holes and no visor ridge

The mohawk comes as 2 versions: 1 meant to be printed and 1 with a cutout for physical non-printed bristles

A ridge inside the main body of the helmet helps hold a face shield in place without the need for glue. Use the visor cutout tempate as a guide for cutting.

If you would like to use these files for commercial use, please subscribe to the Specialist tier of my Patreon here: https://patreon.com/galacticarmory

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Helm of Saint 14 - 3D Print Files
Editorial No Ai License 
Helm of Saint 14 - 3D Print Files
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 82% in 42.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (14 files)302 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-07-18
  • Model ID#3858621
  • Ready for 3D Printing