casparx2022-04-06 18:04:23 UTCPerhaps I should have read the description more carefully but these files do not include the body of the ejector seat, only some the surface details.
They do not include the structure of the cockpit, the canopy rails nor the ledges on to which the side instruments are mounted.
The instrument details are fine, but there's a lot of work left to do if you were expecting a drop-in cockpit.
jorge-calduch2020-06-26 12:48:33 UTCI have purchased some models on CGTrader and am very satisfied with those purchases.
Unfortunately I have had a bad idea of buying AEWAR files and I deeply regret it.
The files are bad and the proportions do not correspond at all.
Furthermore, the author is in bad faith since he posts photos of an object that he does not have available.
As if that were not enough, he asked me to tell him how to find that missing file for free and after providing it, I am still waiting for him to thank me.
In an email I asked him to tell me the dimensions of the seat but it seems to me that he does not have time to attend to his clients.
For all these things, I do not recommend buying anything from this individual.
He is the worst professional I have ever met in my entire career.
A total disaster.
I've already spread the word to my entire community of CGTrader buyers.
voxmay2020-02-27 17:08:56 UTCVery impressive work! All the details and more.
A scale Hunter Cockpit at its best!
Thank you Awear, well done!