Gold Sluice - Worlds Smallest

Gold Sluice - Worlds Smallest 3D print model


This isn't your grandads folded sheet metal pocket thing. This is a fully functional, self contained gold sluice.


  • Small, portable, and self contained. Packs up 100% into itself for transport!
  • Try inserts are customizable. Make your own designs and use them!
  • Almost completely silent!
  • Uses 4x AA batteries
  • Two different flow rates, single pump output or double.
  • Super lightweight design
  • Extremely compact

It looks intimidating, but it's really not. Once you get this set up a couple times, it'll make sense. A couple things to remember.1: You will want to print with 100% infill if possible. That will prevent water buildup inside the models, and strenghten them2: It's nearly impossible to make this 100% watertight without using a coating like XTC-3D (which I HIGHLY recommend)3: You will still want to classify your material a little first. This won't take shovel fulls straight in.

You will need to buy a couple things that you obviously can't print:

Submersible Micropumps:

Battery Holder:

Scouring pad. This should be any color, and be the flat Scotch style pads. This is a secondary filer to keep material away from the pumps.

I was easily able to get almost 2 straight days of pumping from a single set of 4 AA batteries.

Directions:1: Fully assemble the trays and supports, and attach the pumps and hoses2: Fill the main body full of water up to about 10mm below the top of the main body3: Turn on the pumps and allow them to prime and start an even flow. Use either two or three pumps. Different flow rate depending on the block used.4: Use a tablespoon to slowly add your classified material to the flat part of the top-most tray. Go slow, let it work down, don't just dump it on.5: When the water running off the end of the bottom tray is clear, go ahead an add the next spoonfull.6: when your inserts are full, take them out, and agitate them inside a container of clean water. Gold, black sand, and heavy material will fall off.7: Put inserts back into their trays (either order, they are the same profle), and continue to add material.


As I get time to update this, I will. I made about 20 revisions of this, and it's hard to keep track of what parts I ended up using.

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Gold Sluice - Worlds Smallest
Editorial No Ai License 
Gold Sluice - Worlds Smallest
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 74% in 5.4h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (14 files)704 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-04-09
  • Model ID#1947288
  • Ready for 3D Printing