Garnet Rod Sailor Pluto

Garnet Rod Sailor Pluto 3D print model


This rendition of the Garnet Rod used by Sailor Pluto is a mixture of manga, classic anime, and crystal design. We take the elongated garnet orb base from Crystal, mix the orb colors on the top, and add more depth and dimension to the crest which the orb sits upon. For extra customization, I've also included the key prongs from the Sailor Pluto Super/Eternal form staff upgrade.


Included in your download is a zip file containing the Crest, Heart Side, Heart Top, Orb Base, Red Orb, and Staff Sections(1-7) Bottom, Super Key. Section 3 of the staff has 2 variations, the first is for the classic design, and the second is for the Super/Eternal upgrade that her staff receives. The Item prints on most printers without any cutting and measures a total of 67 inches. For ease of assembly rather than have each cylinder and orb as their own separate components they are combined into sections,

Please do not redistribute or resell. Intended for personal use only. Commercial use must buy a new copy for each item produced.

If you use the file please give us a shout on your posts using the @StarFall.cos or #StarFallProps tags, we'd love to see your work and show some love in return!!

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Garnet Rod Sailor Pluto
Custom License 
Garnet Rod Sailor Pluto
Custom License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (19 files)9.22 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (34 files)18.4 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2023-04-26
  • Model ID#4462619