fully motorized Iron man 3d printable model

fully motorized Iron man 3d printable model 3D print model


Fully motorized with inner detail, uses standard m3 hardware to hold together as well as 10mmx3mm magnets.

Comes with all permutations of inner details, no inner details, motorization, and no motorization. Read Krabby Patty Secret Formula for assembly instructions.

For tutorials on how to motorize helmets, check out frankly built on youtube and crashworks3d on instagram.

Crashworks sells fantastic kits for motorizaing helmets that work with my motorization system as well as most of the sysems out there, you can also use an arduido nano, and download the source code from crashworks github, but PLEASE DO NOT AS ME FOR HELP WITH ELECRONICS. I am a modeller, I am not the best source of sdvice for how to code, there are far better resources out there for advice on this, however if you have any questions about the model, feel free to ask me:)

I have any more models on my instagram page @levy3d, so be sure to check me out there for some more interesting and unique models there, also if you have any questions or just want to share your build of my model, I answer all DMs so don't be shy:)

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fully motorized Iron man 3d printable model
Royalty Free License 
fully motorized Iron man 3d printable model
Royalty Free License 
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3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (21 files)869 MB
  • PDF (.pdf)26.8 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-09-04
  • Model ID#3965071
  • Ready for 3D Printing