This mask has been updated to Version 2.
Update notes:**Improved fit on the top part of the nose to reduce exhaled air going out from the top nose area.**Filter Holder button also changed to improve the click feeling when installing the filter and locks the filter better. Supports are now very easy to remove.**increased the flow of air by increasing the number of Vent holes. It's much more like natural breathing now.**The overall shape was improved to prevent the air from coming in the sides.**See last 3 images for V1 and V2 comparison.
For the people who already downloaded. Please download the V2 files. All V1 files are still included. Total downloadable files will be 8 STL files.
Since there was and still a shortage of face mask around the world, this mask was developed and designed. Which can save you a lot money in the long run because of it's reusability. A face mask with a changeable filter and simply washing it with household soap and water to clean.
This is a slim fit mask that will fit on your face like a normal mask. Unlike those bulky big ugly mask, you won't be embarrassed to wear this mask in public.
The mask comes in 2 sizes: Men and Women(If you want to print a mask for a kids size, I suggest to down scale the women size to 80% then slice and print.
8 STL files included:
Male Frame V1Male Filter Holder V1Female Frame V1Female Filter Holder V1
Male Frame V2Male Filter Holder V2Female Frame V2Female Filter Holder V2
To perfectly fit the mask on your face, heat up the mask using a hair dryer for at least 8 seconds and immediately bend the heated part to match the surface of your face.
Disclaimer: This mask really fits in your face and air only enters the filter area as it is a tight seal in your face, this mask is no way will protect you from a 100% from any virus, this mask is only intend for a last resort replacement for surgical mask shortages.
Be safe and stay home and protect your self always.
3D PRINTING SETTINGS(Frame)-Layer height: I prefer 0.2 for stiffness, but do not go lower than .15 as it will become a weak print and will break easily.-Perimeters: 2 shell always do the job well.-infill: all up to you. (I did mine at 100&)
(Filter holder)-Layer height: must not go lower than 0.2 (I did mine 0.3)-perimeters: same as for the frame 2 shell does the job.-infill: 100%
After printing just grab yourself a sand paper (400 grit) and sand the rough areas so it wont hurt your face when wearing the mask.
If the mask doesn't fit your face. Grab a hair dryer and heat up the area that does not fit for about 8 to 10 seconds, then immediately use a tiny force to bend that area to match your face shape.
Also get some elastic bands and tie a knot on both ends and just easily hook them in to the V shape lock that was designed for easy use.
For filters, You can use a napkin or cut an existing mask that you have and use it as a filter. (Please replace the filter everyday)You can wash the mask with water and soap and just hang it to dry and spray alcohol to double kill those bacteria.