Printed versions in last image, FDM at 0.3mm layer heights on Ender 3 at the bottom, resin printed on Elegoo Mars at the top of the image in a transparent red 405nm resin. For best results attempt to print in resin.Print x2 of each to get a full crest stone. 53mm in diametre, can be resized to fit needs but wouldn't recommend going below 45mm as there might be some lost detail. Comes with 2 different depths: Large (titled lorge) 24mm deep, and Small (titled Smol) at 20mm deep. Print 2x of either to get a full crest stone.
A collection of Crest Stones from Fire Emblem Three Houses, featuring all crest stones aside from the stones of the saintsCharacter/weapon - corresponding stone (possible spoilers)Yuri/Fetters of Dromi - AubinDimitri/Areadbhar - Blayddid Marianne/Maurice/Blutgang/Aymr - BeastLysithea/Catherine/Thunderband - CharonBalthus/Vajra Mushti - ChevalierIngrid/Luin - DaphnelAnnette/Crusher - DominicAnna - ErnestByleth/Edelgard/Creator Sword - Crest of FlamesFelix/Aegis - FraldariusSylvain/Lance of Ruin - GautierLysithea/Lorenz/Thyrsus - GloucesterHilda/Freikugel - GonrielMercedes/Refail gem - LamineConstance/Nemesis/Dark Creator Sword - NoaHapi/Nemesis/Dark Creator Sword - TimotheosClaude/Failnaught - ReiganSeiros/Rhea/Edelgard - Seiros
Please do not resell the models, made from designs based on Fire Emblem Three Houses