Bundle of F-16 Flight Simulation Right Hand Console Panels
DescriptionThis is a bundle of 10 seperate models of panels of the F-16 right hand side console.Each Panel consists of 3 parts:The base of the panel - Built from two parts: black base and white areas, that enable the backlight.Light panel - Thin back panel which holds the LED lights.Vinyl sticker - White background and black text print. The sticker page can be sent for printing on a vinyl paper at any printing house.The backlight is based on a green / white LED strip that is attached to the light panel. The white areas in the base of the panel are corresponding to the text areas on the vinyl sticker, so the light from the LEDs will light only the text.Bundle includes:SNSR PWRr panelHUD panelNuclear consent panelLighting PanelAir Cond panelNote PanelAnti Ice PanelAvionics power panelOxygen Regulator panelThe panel next to the stickFile Formats Included:STL - 41 STL files, in 1 zipped fileSTEP - 1 zipped STEP filePDF - 3 PDF files of the vinyl stickers, in 1 zipped filePrinting:Printing the base of the panels requires a dual head 3D printing, so one head will print the black base and the other will print the white areas.Printing speed and layer height is according to the printer used.