F-15E WSO sticks for 3D printing with all functional buttons

F-15E WSO sticks for 3D printing with all functional buttons 3D print model


F-15E strick eagle is a US fighter aircraft. This is a 3D Printing model of a repllica of it`s WSO Stick controller. The Model include electric buttons and switches needed to connect to the computer (electric card does not included). The interface is with clamps to a table which included. All Parts needed describe at the assembly instructions pictures.

I printed it with Al infuse PLA for easy sanding and metallic feel. All files are STL format and ready for 3D printing slicing program (I use Cura).

Aditional formats included for the lower interface and clamp for easy modification, are STEP, SolidWorks and Parasolid . I use it for DCS simulation, and FreeJoy card with 4021 shift registers cheeps.

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F-15E WSO sticks for 3D printing with all functional buttons
Royalty Free License 
F-15E WSO sticks for 3D printing with all functional buttons
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (62 files)72.8 MB
  • STEP (.stp) (3 files)305 KB
  • SolidWorks (.sldprt, .sldasm, .slddrw) (3 files)480 KB
  • Parasolid (.x_t, .x_b) (3 files)124 KB
  • PDF (.pdf)1.2 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-02-14
  • Model ID#5095035
  • Ready for 3D Printing