nikola-k2023-05-29 17:20:22 UTCI'm updating my review from "Negative" to "Positive", the author has provided me with the newer (still WIP) versions of this model. This new model addresses all the concerns I've originally stated. It's well done, well put together, and just... updated.
The author is also extremely responsive - I'm talking literally minutes sometimes between me making a suggestion and getting a reply with relevant STLs.
Overall great experience, despite me initially buying a model from 2019 and having a bad experience with it. I'm leaving the original review up for transparency's sake.
Original review:
Not a lot of care went into this model when it comes to 3D Printing it. Haven't printed yet, but just by looking at the STL files:
- ZERO instructions
- Filenames like 1111111.stl
- Folder names in foreign language? But not even everything is organized in folders
- STL files with tiny holes in them
- STL files with small blobs printed next to them (probably just quickly cut the model in blender without checking and exported as stl)
- Two folders, one V2 and one "Print verified". So is V2 not verified to be printable and I'm risking wasting filament?
- Text file named "UPDATE" which has a google drive link that's invalid. So is there an updated version of this somewhere on google drive? Or is "V2" the latest? Who knows - not me.