COOLANT BOOSTERTwo versions. Interchangeable caps for various sizes and a simple DIY version you can drill to size/change as and when needed per application.The coolant booster adds a boost of pressure for when you struggle to get good decent coolant flow on CNC Collets with through coolant.
Maybe you have a poor pump or extra-long size drills or just want to increase tool life then this is the thing for you. Designed to restrict the flow and direct it where it’s needed at a higher rate and pressure.To fit most standard ER Collet nuts 50mm in diameter.
Original version that I have used for over 15 years I made from aluminium with tapped holes/threads but have made an easy 3D printable version with interchangeable caps for different size applications.
Ideal for long series drills/taps or anything needing extra coolant pressure flow even if just to aid chip clearance.
And a extra thin version you drill to size model/use cad to change.3mm face thickness so not to lose too much tool clearance.