Great models as always from 3dTechDesigns.
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Model dimensions:
The model consists of parts: Body central part, Body front part, Body rear part, Button 1-5, Grid screw 1,2, Grid, Middle plate, Screen.
During assembling use guiding metal pins with d=3 and length 8 mm.Grid should mount with Hex Socket Button Head Cap Screws M2.5 with length 10-12 mm.There are a few modifications of the detail Grid because it is fragile.
Useful links:https://wastedlandsfantasy.blogspot.com/2018/08/chronicling-my-star-trek-vvi.htmlhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek_V:_The_Final_Frontierhttps://www.therpf.com/forums/threads/show-your-star-trek-props.240727/page-2