CNC Ready 52 Telecaster SS and HH Solidworks and DXF Files

CNC Ready 52 Telecaster SS and HH Solidworks and DXF Files 3D print model


Included are the Solidworks parts and assemblies as well as DXFs.

The depth at the first fret is .74 inches. The depth at the 12th fret is .97 inches. The width at the nut is 1.65 inches and the width at the 12th fret is 2.03 inches. The neck profile is a pretty standard C shape.

I have a CSWA in solidworks, and wanted to build my own telecaster using a cnc router. The CAD files online are simply not reliable enough, and usually have no proof of concept. In the third and fourth photos I posted my current tele builds using these CAD drawings. The measurements are all spot on. The depths are correct, the neck pocket fits a stewmac tele neck, and the pickup routed in both bodies are the right dimensions.

I have made a two tele bodies, a tele pickguard, and started making a neck as well.

The files included are all pictured.

There is a dual humbucker style body as well as dual single-coil traditional body.

There is a 3d model of a full maple tele neck as well as a 3d midel of a tele neck with a rosewood fretboard. These files can be used for machining. In addition, for us CNC router folks who would rather save time on CAM, there is a 2D neck and 2D fretboard meant to be cut on a cnc, assembled, and then shaped on the back, and for the fretboard radius. Each neck file has routing for a dual action stewmac style low profile truss rod. The fit is correct.

The solidworks models can be used to reference for depths as every depth is verified and correct.

There is a model of a pickguard for a traditional single coil tele, as well as a model of a pickguard to hold a humbucker in the neck, and to fit properly around the wider humbucker ring in the bridge. With a 10 dollar sheet of material, these pickguards are really easy to make. In the third picture you can see an added cnc engraving in the pickguard, which I added in to my personal solidworks model. The ones attached are blank.

You can be assured that the dimensions on these files are spot on. If you don't have solidworks, dxf files are included for every single part.

jd942021-09-21 06:35:01 UTC
awesome work!
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CNC Ready 52 Telecaster SS and HH Solidworks and DXF Files
Royalty Free License 
CNC Ready 52 Telecaster SS and HH Solidworks and DXF Files
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • SolidWorks (.sldprt, .sldasm, .slddrw) (7 files)11.9 MB
  • DXF (.dxf) (9 files)421 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-02-01
  • Model ID#2255384
  • Ready for 3D Printing