The attached STL files are my own design for a durable 3D printed paracord break away. It connectes and breaks very smooth and has proved to be durrable when disconecting. I created this becasue the free versions I found did not work well at all. They either printed poorly or failed easily. This design connects the ends very easily, but requires a good pull to separate. This is usable for any cord, but was desinged for both 1/8and 1/16 paracord. Just pass the cord through he hole and knot the end. With 1/8" cord on the inner part work the knot in slowly. I have printed and used this design to connect bracelets, necklaces, key chains. Really could be used anywhere you want two items connected with a cord, but able to break free.
I print in PLA, but any plastic will do. Each part prints very easy with the cord side down thus preserving critical features. I'd suggest using a brim to maintain attachment to the build plate. Using standard speeds and normal build height of 0.15, each part builds in about 5 minutes.
If you have any suggested tweeks or modified versions you could use, just message me and and I'd be happy to improve for you.