Bedside lamp with different possible configurations
Printable with minimum print area 220x220x250 (similar to Ender3, U30, TarantulaPro, etc.)
Finished object size:about 210x130x290mm
Possible configurations:Structure without light:
Structure with light:
with the basement (optional), all the configurations can be rotated by 45 degrees
compare the attached photos for some examples
dancer and structure: recommended layer 0.15optional parts: layer 0.20supports:with the suggested orientation, the supports are reduced to a minimumcompare attached photos
post production:pass the cable through the structuresolder the LED lightinsert the LED light in the appropriate holderinsert the holder into the structure. if necessary, use a glue point.
uses a Led light of this type or equivalent (diameter 26mm).type220vhttps://it.aliexpress.com/item/33006463442.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.3da24c4dAsAvxNthe light used is 3watt (after 10 hours of continuous use the maximum temperature was around 35 degrees. no problem even for PLA prints)
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