Airsoft M4 Shrike Conversion Kit

Airsoft M4 Shrike Conversion Kit 3D print model


This kit will convert any standard airsoft M4 into an airsoft Shrike LMG. The feed tray simply mounts to the top rail of the gun, meaning that this kit can be installed on any existing receiver. In theory, it could even be installed on an airsoft SR47.

In addition to the feed tray, there is a 7" keymod rail that has an increased height to match the receiver height with the feed tray mounted. The rail uses the increased height for battery storage, with a large compartment overtop of the barrel.

Routing the wires to the battery compartment can be challenging, but when done properly with a front-wired gun there is plenty of room for most airsoft batteries. This is not an issue with rear-wired guns, as there are no wires to route to the front compartment.

This kit does not weigh much, making it perfect for anyone who wants to lay supporting fire without carrying a huge and heavy machine gun.

To assemble this kit, you will need:

2x 20mm m4 bolts2x m4 nuts2 pen springs from Pilot G2 pens1x ~35mm m6 bolt (longer will work, but it will need to be cut down)1x m6 nut

The nut and bolt sizes are not too terribly important so long as they fit.

Note: This design has been tested and found to work well. Due to the policies of CGTrader, I am unable to display the finished and installed kit. This model will not work on any actual weapons, and will only work with airsoft models.

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Airsoft M4 Shrike Conversion Kit
Royalty Free License 
Airsoft M4 Shrike Conversion Kit
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (6 files)1.8 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-03-23
  • Model ID#3659832
  • Ready for 3D Printing