AirMore - A carbon filter add-on for the AirPure air purifier

AirMore - A carbon filter add-on for the AirPure air purifier 3D print model


AirMore is a simple but useful add-on to the AirPure air purifier that helps preventing resin vapour to pollute your room while your resin 3d printer is working.

The cheap and easy-to-find activated carbon granules that you can put inside AirMore will capture resin vapour, purifying your ambient air. When granules are saturated with particles removed from the air, you simply have to replace them with new ones (about 40g, depending on their size), and the filter will return to being perfectly efficient.

I found granules of about 4 mm in diameter to be perfect. Granules that are too small tend to compact, preventing a proper air flow.

As a precaution against damages, AirMore has an inner filter, designed to prevent small granules or even carbon dust to fall in the fan of the AirPure device, so everything will be clean. Your printer should be capable of creating holes having diameter of 1,35mm.

Furthermore, AirMore has been specifically designed to allow to be printed without any internal supports (please verify with your slicer software) as they would be very difficult to remove. Internal surfaces are all plain.

IMPORTANT: Please print AiMore upside down: see preview image for suggestions on how to correctly place the model on your printer's platform to avoid internal supports.

AirMore height is 10cm (total height of AirPure+AirMore is 21,5cm) and is equipped with compatible slots for your AirPure device, so all parts will fit togheter.

Please note:This accessory is compatible with AirPure and is designed to personalize your experience using this device.It is not manufactured, distributed or authorized by Shenzhen Anycubic Technology Co. Ltd.All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners.

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AirMore - A carbon filter add-on for the AirPure air purifier
Editorial No Ai License 
AirMore - A carbon filter add-on for the AirPure air purifier
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)22.6 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)33.5 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)15.1 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2025-01-24
  • Model ID#5788357
  • Ready for 3D Printing