JAY HELMET 3D print model


This helmet has been designed and developed by JAY COMBATTECH and registered by DRUKATT COMPONENTS; For airsoft and paintball, futuristic military design, great ventilation, comfort and design.

PARÁMETROS DE IMPRESIÓN 3D1- it is important that you make a symmetry of the Rail lateral so that you have 1 for each side of the helmet

2- to fix the glasses to the helmet you must print 2 pieces of Googles Coupling

3- for greater strength and surface finish it is necessary to apply a layer of epoxy resin (XTC-3D smooth on) 2 layers inside the helmet if it posible

4- for the fastening system I used this system bought on aliexpress: https://es.aliexpress.com/item/32964879849.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.2f941617uu42lc&algo_pvid=4a3d4ca6-42b7-4092-bb80-a53a4745afbf&algo_expid=4a3d4ca6-42b7-4092-bb80-a53a4745afbf-21&btsid=0c39b5c7-abc7-487f-8d1f-b67fc296f79f&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_3,searchweb201603_55

5- you may have to put longer screws, the screws for the front support I leave them to your choice

6- the velcro for patches and the front elastic cords can be found in any airsoft, aliexpress, amazon or ebay store

7- put or not a metal grid in the ventilation windows is the choice of each

riitterzsala2024-08-22 17:07:18 UTC
Something to take into consideration is that if you use the mask you will not be able to use the headset.
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riitterzsala2024-08-22 17:05:34 UTC
I printed it, approximately 41 hours to print and 448g since I divided the helmet into 8 parts to print it, if you want to print it in 2 pieces only as Jay suggests, approximately 795g will be spent but you will not have to sand or putty as much
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Post Production

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (6 files)2.87 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-08-22
  • Model ID#2572244
  • Ready for 3D Printing