1 32 RC Schooner

1 32 RC Schooner 3D print model


The free instruction manual can be found here:


This is a 3d printed version of a scratch built radio controlled schooner. A video of this model sailing in strong winds is shown here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwWV6K05fUc&t=10sA radio controlled model schooner always attracts an admiring crowd (especially women) as they are a majestic sight sailing into the wind. Experience has shown that a model schooner with a full set of sails would not perform well unless there is a deeper than scale keel attached. Therefore, a slot that runs along the keel in the hull is designed in for a detachable fin with a weighed bulb for added stability.
The 1923 hull lines and deck arrangement of the schooner Columbia were used at 1/32 scale for the 3D printed version. The hull is divided into 9 sections for printing on a 250 x250 x 250 mm bed. Longer hull sections are provided for printers with larger 300 x 300x 300 mm volumes. The hull has planking lines, bulwarks and scupper holes drawn in.
The auxlliary motor uses a RS-380 DC motor with a GT2 timing belt for a gear reduction of 1:3.The fore and main masts are removable for ease of transportation and storage. Two Hitec HS-785HB drum type sail winches are used for sheeting the sails.

Sails can be fabricated using pre shrunk cotton cloth, lightweight Dacron or Tyvek sheets.A hollow 3D printed bulb that can be filled with lead shot is provided. This bulb is attached to an aluminum fin which slides into the hull’s center axially from the bottom and secured with a cotter pin at deck level.Hull access is provided via removable locker, main cabin, anchor winch, rudder housing and various hatches.Wood PLA is highly recommended for the hull and deck. Cura’s ironing feature on the deck surface creates a basswood like texture.Fully rigged dimensions with detachable keel inserted are:1607.0 x 244.5 x 1380.5 mm

Item rating
2 0
penfred2025-02-28 07:21:46 UTC
Have looked at the schooner files and thay look great but have not printed any of them as yet
hobietacker2025-02-23 13:11:27 UTC
Oh Man, This is a cool Ship. Yes its big . My first sailboat. I am at the point of painting it now and wondering where I can get the little pulleys for the rigging. But man am I going to have a great crew. Yes, I recommend this model.
1 32 RC Schooner
Custom License 
1 32 RC Schooner
Custom License 
Response 89% in 1.7h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)532 MB
  • 3D Manufacturing File (.3mf)532 MB
  • PDF (.pdf)532 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-04-09
  • Model ID#5213472
  • Ready for 3D Printing