Star Wars Imperial Model Display

Star Wars Imperial Model Display 3D print model


An Imperial seal that doubles as a series of shelves for your models. This is not just for Star Wars models, it can be used for anything you see fit. I spent a lot of time prototyping and testing this, proving it works. Watch the video please. Printers used: Creality Ender 3 Pro .4mm nozzle Prusa MK3S .4mm nozzle Recommendations: Glue - 3d Gloop Filament - PLA is fine, I used the Galactic colors of Black, White and Grey, I used PLA+ and TPU. Walls - suggested 3 walls for all parts, this is holding your precious and needs to be rigid and firm. Walls will be 1.2mm thick Top/Bottom layers - Depends on layer height of the print. I used .2 layer height and 5 layers for top and bottom. You could go 6 here to be uniform with the walls. Either 1 or 1.2mm thick top and bottom Infill - 10% is fine if you follow above recommendations. Platforms - these are only 3mm thick so you can go with 2 walls and 3 top/bottom layers here. Again experimnent here, what are you holding up? smaller platform I'd go 2 and 2. Stem Tracks - there are 2 versions of the top and bottom. Square plate vs round plate. Since I used these areas for bigger heavier models I used the sqaure plate version for more surface area adhesion with the 3d Gloop. No supports are needed except for the top tracks, although if you're confident with your bridging you could attempt these parts with no supports, your call. Not much detail on this model so layer heights are not critical, I do find that slicing in Cura 4 with .2 vs .3 uses less filament, experiement with your slicer. Time vs material thing with this. For the Imperial seal, I print this with PLA+ and TPU. The part facing out on the wall is the bottom on the build plate. I finish the top layers on the plate with TPU, you don't have to do this but it makes the seal snug the wall a little better. Screw the center mount into a stud or a anchor that will support the display properly. Weight is dependent on the models displayed, most models are 95% air and don't have much weight, but again these are your precious! If you need a custom sized track or platform let me know and I will make one and add it to the project I hope you all enjoy this as much as I have.

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Star Wars Imperial Model Display
Royalty Free License 
Star Wars Imperial Model Display
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (23 files)578 KB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (23 files)104 KB
  • amf (.amf) (23 files)1.26 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-07-31
  • Model ID#3905254
  • Ready for 3D Printing