Squirrelcage rotor induction motor

Squirrelcage rotor induction motor 3D print model


3D model of a (three-phase) squirrel cage rotor induction motor. The stator has 36 poles. The motor is cradle-to-cradle compliant; ie each individual part in a different material can be taken off easily. The ring of the squirrel cage for example is secured by means of a plastic white band that is introduced trough the cupper rods. The drive shaft has been given protrusions so that it grabs on to the laminations. A small rod with rings keeps the drive shaft from sliding forwards/back. Cooling is done by means of two sets of ventilator blades mounted on the driveshaft itself, sucking in outside air via ventilation holes in the encasement. Note that the windings of the poles may or may not be incorrect. Also, no starting windings have been added. The motor may be further simplified later-on by reducing the number of poles from 36 to 24. This may be done as currently, there are 3 holes in the stator for the windings, where 2 may be used. (a minimum of 24 is however needed as 4 sets of poles are needed for the rotation, 3 phases are needed and atleast 2 holes are required to allow winding the wire at all; 2×3×4=24). See the 'Purchasing_the_models' link at appropedia's AT_CAD_Team for additional information on the model

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Squirrelcage rotor induction motor
Royalty Free License 
Squirrelcage rotor induction motor
Royalty Free License 
Response 0% in 48.0h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Sketchup (.skp)2.11 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)21.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2014-04-14
  • Model ID#66161
  • Ready for 3D Printing