A PW-100 Jetpipe & eahaust nozzle replacement for F-15 model kits. Modelled with & without External Turkey Feathers, in Open and closed positions. Additionally. two separate versions are supplied, with one for larger scales, 1/32 and above & one for Medium to small scales 1/48 and below. Depending on your printer accuracy. The sample prints shown are of the 1/48th scale version
The model is designed specifically to replace the 1/48 Tamiya F-15C kit Series No 29 but may fit others.
NOTE: The model is using real world scales, however the kits parts are slightly under scale, so please check sizes. I found that scaling by 49.5 rather than 48 works on MY printer. Because of the very fine parts, it may be wise to reduce the print Anti Aliasing settings to minimal, or even off.
Model sizes Open Nozzle (m) : X: 2.61504 Y: 1.1887 Z: 2.30099 Closed Nozzle Z: 2.2533119
Divide these Metre sizes by the desired scale ie by 48, for the real scale size, but see the note above for the specific models mentioned. If you print out at exactly 1/48th scale then the part will need a hole 21.25mm. Use the longest size in your slicer, with constrain proportions set to on. Your slicer will probably interpret the Metres as mm, so just ignore that & input your correct measurement in Z. EEG Closed Nozzle Z / 48 = 0.046943m or 46.943mm